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What to learn from Masters?

Comparison of photoghic styles of the best. What makes them unique?

These are visual excerpts to revisit once in a while when thinking about next photography endeavours to get an inspiration how others see the world.

Drama of Landscapes

Pre-visualized results (with his "zone system").
Revisited the same negative with multiple interpretations or even returned to take the same photo with different filters. 

Steve McCurry

Tell a story that takes us on a journey

Sometimes ambiguity, unbalance or surprise works. 

Favorited Kodachrome. He received the very last roll of the film made and exposed it in 2010

From ranch to Paris.

Always look for the moment, graphics, spacial relationships, separation or negative space.

You need first an access, then, acceptance.

Used harsh shadows in a graphic sense.

William Albert Allard