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Lamajuru – Hinju trek: early return because of swollen rivers

Bus is a kind of sport of its own. 

Slow and bumpy. No legroom for our sizes:) 

On the way back, we took a taxi to get to a bus when we gave up the trek because of the swollen rivers in the middle. 


This is a good trek for an aclimatisation. We did it at the start. 

However we were unable to finish all the 5-day hike due to swollen rivers, because there was a lot of raining (that wasn't typical here up to that year (2006)). The track goes up to Chilling when conditions allow. 

In Fangila, it was raining so much for so long that the roof of a room we booked started to leak. It wasn't constructed for so much rain in the area when normally rains rarely. 

We were offered to stay in the main main room of the house, full of smoke from an open fire. 

They had fleas there though, and they got into our sleeping bags and started to bite. Fortunately, they did not stay in the sleeping bags.

Lamayuru – Hinju – to the point where we gave up

over 4000 m

  1. LamayuruPrinkiti La (3732 m)Wanla 

  2. WanlaFangila (We had to stop earlier because of the rain)

  3. FangilaHinju

  4. We had to gave up due to swollen rivers impossible to ford.  

"Jeep" from Wanla for a bus in Khalsi.

To Trailhead Download Track

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